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We are in danger

Scientists prove every day that we have been producing greenhouse gases for nearly 200 years at an exceptional rate compared to centuries ago. Those fossil fuels no longer dissipate in the atmosphere because there are too many and continue to be added, which is why there is a warming climate around the world.

The alert was issued as early as 1896, but it is only now that we are beginning to see the effects. Companies still continue to produce more and more greenhouse gases every day with no legal action by the world’s politics to ensure our safety and health.

Companies and countries have one thing in common: 82% of them are run by men of a certain age who decide universally. Choices and decisions are de facto biased without the advice, counsel and consent of the other half of humanity, women.

Imagine if, in past centuries, women but also young people and all those who feel being a minority, had been so much decision-makers and responsible for our common good, the Earth?
History would not have been the same. Our survival might not be in danger today.

We all need to metamorphosis into climate virtuoso for humanity to survive beyond 2030. We need women, young people, those who think being a minority, to have the audacity to play the game if we want to win.

Hubert Reeves once said: «Man leads a fight against Nature, if he wins, he loses».

Estelle Couderc-Doat, founder of Climat-2030


I created Climat-2030 to avoid the 16 irreversible tipping points from being reached. I would like to participate in organizing a new sustainable society, aware that its survival depends on its collective and individual carbon footprint.

What made me started

The 2030 deadline and beyond to maintain 1.5°C of global warming and the eco-anxiety of my son.

What made me want to help others and provide the services I offer

Educate citizens and make women get involved in decision-making will help to limit global warming and the destruction of the living.

According to the UN, to face the climate emergency, it is desirable to take model on women’s modus vivendi based on education and their ability to organize change.

Why I keep moving forward

Every day, the bad news are raining, our survival on Earth is being counted and we continue to live as we did before the pandemic, whereas we saw during the pandemic that another way of life is possible, that everything could change in a few days!
When we realize this, we have no choice but to act.
We must educate ourselves and then act.

Do I feel that my purpose guides me ?

Yes. I feel compelled. We must become aware of the major problem of the 21st Century in order to act to change the situation and change our behaviour habits. Individually and collectively.